Black Pomfret (黑鲳)

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Country of Origin: Indonesia/Malaysia 


Black Pomfret is one of the more affordable pomfret as compared to Chinese Pomfret. The texture is a little rough but sweet. The fresh black pomfret is best to paired with sambal chilli or served deep-fried.



  1. The weight range is before any descaling, de-gutting and cleaning of fish.
  2. Each set may come with more than one piece, depending on the size of the daily catch. 


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Black Pomfret also known as “Orh Cheor” is a species of carangid native to reefs of the Indian ocean and western pacific ocean. The fish is commonly seen in the local wet markets. There is a dark strip under the skin but it is not noticeably  stronger in flavor then the light flesh. 

Health Benefits: It is a great source of calcium and contain lots of essential minerals like Iron, Zinc and Iodine. 

Texture and Taste: Black Pomfret provides light coloured flesh with a very pleasant flavor – mild but not bland. There is a dark strip under the skin but it is not noticeably stronger in flavor than the light flesh. The flesh holds together very well for all forms of cooking but flakes easily on the plate.

Cooking Methods: It is best recommended for pan-frying or deep-frying and serve with balachan chili and lime! The meat of black pomfret is firmer than the rest of the pomfrets, so it is great for frying. Fried black pomfret is well loved for its super crispy on the outside while the  inside remains tender and moist. To achieve this,  high heat deep-frying is required. However, make sure the fish doesn’t get burnt during the frying. Watch the fire and lower the heat if necessary. 


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