3 essential nutrients your body needs daily and how you can get it from TSF
1) Protein
It is a macronutrient that every cell in human body needs to function properly, it allows our body to grow, build and repair tissues. Protein provides our body with amino acids, which builds muscle and some other important structures such as the brain, nervous system, blood, skin and hair. Protein also transports oxygen. This nutrient is necessary for tissue formation, cell reparation, and hormone and enzyme production. It is essential for a healthy immunity.
Sources of Protein that you can get from TSF:
- Tuna: Product link
- Salmon
- Shrimp: Product link
2) Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred fuel source. Converting carbohydrates into immediately usable energy is easier for the body than converting fat or protein into fuel. Your brain, muscles, and cells all need carbohydrates to function.
When you consume carbohydrates, the food is converted into sugars that enter the bloodstream. These sugars (in the form of glucose) can be an immediate source of energy or stored in the body’s cells to be used at another time.
Carbohydrates are essential to the body. They are sugars or starches that provide energy for all the cells and tissuesTrusted Source in the body.
There are two different types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. People should limit their intake of simple carbohydrates, such as white bread, pasta, and rice. However, the body needs complex carbohydrates to support the following:
- the immune system
- brain function
- the nervous system
- energy to perform tasks
- digestive function
Provide a ready source of energy for the body and provide structural constituents for the formation of cells. Sources of Carbohydrates that you can get from TSF:
3) Fats
People might try to avoid fat in their diets, but dietary fat plays an important role in the body. Fat provides an important source of energy in times of starvation or caloric deprivation. It is also necessary for insulation, proper cell function, and protection of our vital organs.
- Saturated fats mostly come from meat and dairy sources. These fats are generally solid at room temperature and tend to be shelf-stable for a long time. However, when it comes to cardiovascular risk, saturated fat should be avoided from meats versus dairy. Full-fat dairy products either has a neutral or beneficial effect on cardiovascular health.3
- Unsaturated fats include two other types of fats: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats come from plant-sources and fortified foods such as eggs and dairy, as well as fish, seaweed, and grass-fed animal products. They provide the body with many health benefits.4 These fats are generally liquid even when refrigerated and have a shorter shelf life than saturated fats.
When saturated fats in a person’s diet are replaced with poly or monounsaturated fats, it can decrease their risk of certain diseases including heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.5
People often associate high fat foods with bad health. However, a person needs certain fats to help maintain optimal health. Fats provide the body with energy and help it carry out a range of functions. However, it is essential to consume healthful fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and limit or avoid saturated and trans fats.
Healthful fats help with the following functions:
- cell growth
- blood clotting
- building new cells
- reducing the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes
- muscle movement
- balance blood sugar
- brain functioning
- mineral and vitamin absorption
- hormone production
- immune function
Provides stored energy for the body, functions as structural components of cells, and signaling molecules for proper cellular communication. It provides insulation to vital organs and works to maintain body temperature.
Sources of Fats that you can get from TSF: